My wife has bad body odor. What to do?

  My better half had this issue, and in the wake of having a go at everything, at last went to the specialist. It ended up being a question of diet. She wasn't eating enough carbs, so her body was continually separating proteins. A side-effect of separating protein into amino acids is alkali, the very synthetic that makes feline pee smell. This can make sweat and vaginal release smell like feline pee. She tackled this issue by eating more starches and less protein, and utilizing an extraordinary remedy antiperspirant. In the end it just disappeared.

  There are different issues, for example, trimethylaminuria, otherwise called "off-putting smell disorder". Trimethylamine is delivered in the gastrointestinal plot as a result when microorganisms separate specific food sources. This side-effect smells like fish, pee, or spoiled eggs. Ordinarily, the body changes over this substance into another, less rank compound, however certain individuals can't do this and it develops, causing the smell of spoiled eggs, fish, or pee. There is no solution for this, however there are medicines to assist with dealing with the manifestations.

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