Our helpful tips for popcorn lovers

 --Purchase genuine oil. Irish Kerrygold is our must-have...but anything brand you purchase, just purchase the great stuff. No margarine, straightforward with regards to flavors. A small amount of value oil makes an enormous difference.

--Likewise purchase great salt. There is an immense distinction between Morton table salt and premium ocean salt like Maldon. A crate of Maldon's expenses about $6 (US) and will keep going quite a while.

-- Our cherished popcorn disclosure: the Ecolution Popcorn Jar. It cooks popcorn very much as it does on the burner, yet it just requires 3-4 minutes in the microwave. Straightforward plan - glass container with silicone top. Simply sprinkle on popcorn bits and add oil and salt [if you like]. Oil isn't required. Simple cleaning. We utilize a few times each week.

-- Popcorn piece quality: Someone sent us a "example pack" that had a wide range of parts, and we observed that we really enjoyed a portion of the more uncommon assortments of corn (white, red, and so forth) contrasted and standard yellow corn bit. which can be found in supermarkets. The "more uncommon" types are still simple to find locally... we simply didn't have the foggiest idea how to search for them.

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